POLYNEWS.ORG is the Best Website for Free Guest Posting, therefore if you are seeking Free Guest Posting, you should go no further. Please submit us your blogs, and we will publish them as soon as possible.
What We Publish Guidelines for submitting Guest Posts to Our Site
- The minimum length of the content should be at least 500 words.
- Unique Stuff: Must be innovative and unique content.
- Search Engine Optimizable: Use at least one keyword throughout the blog
- If you don’t include the featured image, your post will be deleted.
Contribution Guidelines
1. We would be delighted if you could share your knowledge and experience with the entrepreneurs and IT workers that make up our audience base.
2. Before being published on the website, the content will be subjected to a cursory quality assurance review by our content staff. The quality of the content that we provide for our audience is of the utmost importance to us.
3. When you provide us with the article, you give us permission to use, edit, and otherwise alter the content in any way we see fit. Although there is no word restriction for the material, we recommend keeping your submission to no more than 1000 words.
4. Our staff will have the ability to give final approval of the material within three days, and we will publish it within ten days after that. If the information is not published within ten days, however, we will apologize to you for not being able to get your approval on it.
5. Before publishing, please check that the content is your original work and that the data is accurate. You are welcome to send in the content regardless of whether or not it has been somewhere previously.
6. Content that is in any way promotional or spammy will not be tolerated in any manner.
7. Content may be classified as falling into the following categories: Travel, News, Health, Digital Marketing News, Social Media Marketing, SEO, or Paid Marketing. You are also free to post about your own experiences, the history of your organization, or any other notion that is pertinent.
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