Fruit juices are fast and effective for weight loss

Maybe you want to look younger before the holidays. It is not necessary to eat a lot or do things that could lead to serious health issues. There are better methods. There are juices available that will help you lose weight quickly and effectively. You can find out more information about these recipes here.

Recipe for fruit juices that aid in weight loss

Grapefruit, watermelon juice

You’ll need 2.5 dl grapefruit pulp and 2.5 diced watermelon. Combine the watermelon juice and grapefruit in your blender. You may add a bit of water if needed. Mix the ingredients well. Drink one glass when you wake up with an empty stomach. This juice will quench the thirst, fill you up, cleanse you, and stop you from eating too much.

Pineapple, melon and papaya juice

The ingredients are 2.5 dl diced pineapple sans peel, 1 slice melon and 2 diced papayas. You also need a small cup of water. Wash and slice the fruit. Add the juice from the melon or pineapple to the mix and stir. Every day, drink it. The large amount of vitamin A and fiber in this juice can aid you in losing weight.

Strawberry juice

2.5 dl strawberries and the juice of one orange are all you need. 1 parsley spear, honey, water, and honey is also required. Mix all ingredients in a blender. You can drink one glass each morning for a whole month. This juice has diuretic and cleansing properties, so it will help you lose weight.

Tamarind, pineapple, and papaya juice

2.5 dl of diced pineapple, 1.25 Dl tamarind water and 1 slice de papaya. Blend the pineapple. Mix all ingredients together. Strain and drink immediately. This juice is great for weight loss. It prevents fluid retain, helps eliminate toxins, moisturizes tissue, and reduces cellulite.

Raspberry, pineapple, and yogurt juices

It’s more of a shake, not a juice, because of the consistency. It has 1 pear, 1 pineapple piece, 1.5 dl lowfat natural yoghurt, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract and 1 pineapple slice. The fruit should first be peeled. Mix everything in a blender and allow it to run for 30 second. Take the mixture into a glass and drink immediately

Flaxseed juice , Soy Milk and Banana

This recipe uses 1 banana. 2.5 dl soymilk. 1 tablespoon low-fat natural yogurt. Half a tablespoon of flaxseeds. One tablespoon honey. 1.25 dl cranberries (frozen and fresh). Mix all ingredients thoroughly. It’s an excellent shake to use in a weight-loss diet. It can also be enjoyed for breakfast and dinner.

Vegetable juices and fruit that can help you lose weight

Vegetables are a great way to get more fruit juices. They are great for reducing excess weight, fluid retention, and satisfying hunger pangs.

Apple, cucumber, and ginger juice

Pectin helps the body remove waste from the gastrointestinal track. Fruits are high in pectin. Cucumber is a natural diuretic. Mix a quarter of a ginger piece (approximately 2.5 cm), a cucumber and an Apple. This will reduce bad cholesterol and help you burn calories faster. If you can, consume this drink every day with an empty stomach.

Watermelon and spinach juice

Melon contains almost 90% water making it an outstanding diuretic. It also contains vitamin A, C, and potassium. This helps to regulate blood pressure and help the body get rid waste. This vegetable has many benefits, including the ability to burn fat, build muscle and transport oxygen to cells. Peel and cut the watermelon. Then wash the spinach. Mix well and let it sit for a while before you drink.

Orange and carrot juices

Oranges are rich in potassium, vitamin C, and folic acids. Carrots are rich both in vitamin C, D, C, E and K vitamins. These vitamins aid in many metabolic processes. They can be used to satisfy sweet cravings. Parsley also contains vitamins K- and C which are good for the body. Make a smoothie from a peeled orange and a handful parsley. Drink every day.

Broccoli Pear juice

This tree-like fruit is a great source vitamin A, C, and, folic and calcium. Calcium is interesting because it has been found to be beneficial for those looking to lose weight, according to a British Journal of Nutrition study. Wash the broccoli and the pear. Next, cut them into pieces and place them in a blender. Drink before meals to satisfy your hunger.

Juice for carrot, beetroot and celery

This weight loss juice includes 5 carrots. The ingredients are cut into small pieces, washed well, and then added to the mixer. For an extra touch of flavor, add a pinch of ginger.

Purifying vegetable juice

For a refreshing change from your sweet fruit juices you can make a juice only with vegetables. For this delicious, cleansing blend, you will need 3 carrots. All the ingredients should be washed and chopped into small pieces. After that, combine them all. Cool the drink, strain it and serve. You can drink as many as your heart desires and aid the body in eliminating toxins.